Data Science, data consulting, Data science consulting, analytics consulting, yucky data
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Data Science, data consulting, Data science consulting, analytics consulting, yucky data

Who We Are

Yucky Data takes an actively different approach to data science and advanced analytics consulting. We partner with companies and executives to show how data-driven decision makers can make smarter decisions. Not by handing you a packaged data solution, but by coaching you on how understanding compelling data can cultivate impactful decision-making skills.

To make an informed decision, first you need to be informed. If you hired another consulting firm, they will dazzle you with their magical data science, hand you the complex model results, and you choose whether or not to implement it in your company.

But what happens next?

Does your company have the necessary data science teams in place to update the model, or to run it on a cadence? Did the consulting firm even explain how they created the model let alone analyzed the data? That’s where we come in—to turn your yucky data into long-term gains.

What We Believe

We know that data science strategy can be confusing. What’s not confusing are these mottos—

– Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

– The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

– Motivation is the key to lasting change.

That’s what we believe—an unbreakable work ethic, applicable tools, and a knack for problem solving will take you far—and that’s what you’ll get partnering with us.

What We Do

  • Data Science Strategy – Our bread and butter. Data science is the latest buzzword, and we’re more than thrilled to shine a spotlight on data. But how does data analysis fit into the broader, strategic corporate landscape? We believe they go hand-in-hand—and can show you how. Yucky Data is adept at developing data-driven corporate strategies, including consumer experience, data utilization, and brand equity.
  • Data Science Team and Leader Coaching – Data science teams thrive under a strong, focused leader. With expert coaching and professional development, data science leaders can support top executives and drive thoughtful decisions for long-term returns. Yucky Data helps executives strengthen their confidence in data analysis by coaching data scientists and leaders be more business savvy.
  • Data Evaluation and Validation – There is no data science without data. Bad data can lead to bad decisions, which can be extremely costly. Data can help evaluate both direct and indirect costs, and validate methods to improve overall results. You know that data science measures direct profit loss due to turbulent markets or poor business decisions. What you may not know are the indirect costs of incomplete data analysis—like missed opportunities to capture nuanced data findings that can lead to greater profit. With rich data already at your fingertips, Yucky Data explores and implements these new opportunities for you—better equipping you to evaluate data to support future success.

How We Work

Yucky Data works the way you want to work—easily, efficiently, and effectively. Do you want to chat for an hour about the latest ROI model? We’d love to. Do you need help preparing a 6-month assessment of the data science team’s capabilities? We can help. We take pride in our work and want you to share in our data science glee.

We make every effort to minimize cost and maximize value for our clients. That’s why we work on contracted hourly rates instead of on a contracted flat rate. Hourly rates allow us the flexibility to work together as your needs grow—or shrink. When we estimate the amount of time a project will take, we can efficiently support your needs, both big and small.

Where We Work

We believe building relationships fosters collaboration and productivity. We also know that your time is valuable, as is ours. That’s why we are partial to connecting digitally—like video conferencing, Slack, e-mail, and phone. Virtual platforms offer seamless information sharing and collaboration opportunities no matter where we are located across the globe. Of course, in-person events are not to be excluded. We are happy to hand deliver final product presentations, facilitate data science team working sessions, or coach a leader one-on-one. Just let us know when in-person meetings are the best fit for your office culture, and we’ll be there.




Scott Murdoch is the Founder and CEO of YuckyData, a premier executive data science consulting firm that helps companies make smarter decisions. A data science director, Scott is known for rethinking the ways in which businesses can harness big data analytics to uncover insights, steer strategy, and realize long-term gains.

Currently, the Director of Data Science with HealthJoy, a healthcare startup, Scott leads enterprise-class big data analytics projects critical to the company’s product development and growth strategy. His hallmark achievement is the evolution of the company’s healthcare claim analytics capabilities. He has led his team to introduce sophisticated data analytics and business intelligence tools critical to identifying opportunities to lower healthcare costs, improve the member experience, and simplify care.

Prior to joining HealthJoy, he served as a Data Scientist with Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and an Econometrician with Ford Motor Credit Company.

Scott holds a Ph.D. in Economics and is a frequent guest speaker on big data at industry conferences. He lives in the Chicago area with his wife and two daughters.
